Feral Women

Jun 1, 2023
Jun 4, 2023
Huldersun Akademie
Melissa Maya
Melissa Maya

Women's Retreat

+ visiting Wolves

„If women rose rooted & devoted to their true, wild nature the world would be a profoundly different place. We would have thriving, compassionate leaders & our relationships would be wildly enhanced."
"I believe what the world needs now - more than ever - is: Women coming into power, through their capacity to listen deeply to the needs of their fellow creatures & of the planet, and I believe what we need now - more than ever - are tools for sustaining EASE & LOVE in our relationship to self, our partners, friends & our bigger work on this planet.“
- 𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑎 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎

Dear Feral Woman

Are you ready to descend & re-emerge into your authentic power as a feminine leader?
And learn from the wolves how to prevail in your wild, pure nature?

We will transform our nervous systems, our imagination and learn how we can conspire to co-inspire a feminine-fuelled revolution of courage, clarity & compassion together.

Let us - against all odds - embody the truth & love that we are longing to see more of it in the world. & Let us learn how to sustainably serve the great change - without compromising our tender integrity.

In relationships where the conflicts and old wounds that arise are not seen as an obstacle or a problem but rather as an opportunity to grow together, to shine together and to liberate old wounds, beliefs and ego-structures, something new can happen. By acknowledging the often complex trauma history of oneself and the other and by inviting additional support to find integration and resolution for these open wounds the relationship itself can grow into a level of maturity in which true mutual companionship on eye-level is possible.
With this perspective toxic patterns can dissolve easier and a clear orientation on healthy patterns grows.

We will look at the things that hold us back from embodying that perspective and we will collaborate all together in making a step into a healthier future.
By nurturing and caring for the wounds that still need our attention we are ready to stop controlling our relationships and become able to open more for a way of relating that we actually desire.

The embodiment exercises we’ll do will show us where we still need to bring our attention. The shadow-work and our rituals will help us to transmute the past and to open for whats ahead.

Ceremonial Retreat

  • Somatic Intelligence : nervous system resilience & regenerative embodiment for pleasure-based leadership.
  • Shadow-Work & Archetypal Therapeutics.
  • Embodiment + Breathwork
  • Polarity Consciousness.
  • Emotional Alchemy & the Yoga of Intimacy.
  • Soul-Centric Leadership.
  • Community-Weaving.
  • Ritual Circle at the Wolf Enclosure.

We'll have a gentle, simple space to let the power of your body & your breath transform your reality into one anchored, rooted-in to a feminine expression of power.

A space to be truly held : by your own inner Sovereign.
A space to fall madly in love again : with your own inner Sovereign.
A space to receive the imprint of presence + devotion,
For the heart to expand to its fullest potential
& moreover cleanse the space

Into LOVE.

Absolutely no experience is required to join us;
Come as you are.
Come & simply BE in the space.
Be held. Simply.
You’re invited to embrace the simple yet profound quality of
Your body - when the channels are all wide open,
Your heart - when this muscle is fully wide open,
& women‘s community - when we come together to open the shared heart


For the prayer to be clear.


Melissa Maya

The weekend will be hosted by Melissa Maya; the founder of wildly devotional.

„I’m personally devoted to creating spaces for women to become intimate with their feminine faculties of sensuality and creativity.
I’ve been hosting workshops and retreats for over five years and I’ve come to understand the importance of having immersive spaces such as retreats and weekend workshops that can truly hold space for the full range of sisterhood. This crucible of intimacy - of the community - is what keeps inspiring me to hold these spaces of healing for women.

The tools that I hold dear to my heart are that of meditation ,taoist tantric feminine arts, embodiment, non-linear movement and the yoga of intimacy.
The spaces that I create breathe feminine sensuousness - from the choice of sound-current, to the ways in which we dress the space. I care deeply about creating sanctuaries of nourishment and inspiration.“



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞

It is 10 minutes from the venue by car.
We will drive there for an afternoon of circling next to the wolves - singing, howling with them and feeling their vibes…
Most probably we can also have contact and enjoy a fluffy wolf cuddle.



Pricing + Accomodation

01.- 04. June 2023
4 days and 3 nights
Accommodation in the Huldersun Akademie in Einbeck
Organic vegan full catering

Early Bird: 477€

With deposit until 03.05.

From 04. May onwards Regular Price: 500€

+ Overnight stay 3 nights from 54€ up to 162€
possible in group rooms, 2-person & 3-person room, single room.
Beautiful wooden caravans and wooden cottage are at the venue.

If you feel the call but it's not quite financially possible for you right now, write us and we'll see what we can do.

Max. 15 women

This Retreat will be held in english.

Registration: kontakt@oria.earth

Then 100€ deposit to save your spot (Anzahlung)

- until 03.05. for Early Bird price

Deposit is non-refundable.


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